Title: Mr. Man, By The Cocksure Lads (2014)
Length/Format: 4:00 minutes, Animated music video, Colour, HD
Role(s): Animator/Co-Director
Synopsis: From Murray Foster & Mike Ford of Moxy Früvous, The Cocksure Lads present a multi-coloured odyssey deep into the heart of triptastic London, following the meteoric rise of 4 lads through ever-groovier levels of success into the grimacing gape of Mr. Man himself!
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Title: Love & Amnesia (2013)
Length/Format: 12:30 minutes, Drama, Colour, HD
Role(s): Writer/Producer/Director
Synopsis: Karen is married to the nicest, kindest man in the world. But when a former roommate shows up at her doorstep, born-again and wanting to confess their one-night stand to her husband, she must decide how to deal with this unwanted visitor.
Title: Sleep Tight (2012)
Length/Format: 5:30 minutes, Horror, Colour, HD
Role(s): Writer/Producer/Director
Synopsis: A couple's disintegrating marriage proves to be the least of their worries, in the end.
Title: Trees (2010)
Length/Format: 5:20 minutes, Animation, Colour, HD
Role(s): Writer/Animator/Producer/Director
Synopsis: After life comes death, from which life returns once again. Through a story set among the denizens of an apple orchard, this mesmerizing short animation shows a world continually passing through these natural cycles.
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Title: A Change In Tempo (2007)
Length/Format: 7 minutes, Drama, Colour, 35mm
Role(s): Writer/Director
Synopsis: Mary is a piano player unable to play and spends her days teaching others. One particular student possesses the talent and potential she once had. Only through a forbidden encounter with him does she once again experience the passion that still lives inside her.
Title: Scars & Relics (2005)
Length/Format: 20 minutes, Documentary, Colour/B&W, Super 16mm
Role(s): Producer/Director
Synopsis: Some scars hide secrets. Some scars recall traumas and triumphs.
Some scars are self-inflicted. All scars tell a story.
Scars & Relics is a film that traces these clues into the personal
histories of three people, and their memories of childhood,
childbirth, and of entering adulthood. These stories reveal the layers
of experience behind the physical markings that are an intimate part
of so many of us.
Title: Driven (2004)
Length/Format: 9 minutes, Drama, Colour, 16mm
Role(s): Producer/Production Manager
Synopsis: Friday night is ripe with promise. Julie's got the
car, Megan's got a thirst for something new.
Exploring the crossroads between the security of
childhood friendship and the lure of what lies
beyond it, Driven takes a nostalgic look at the
urgency of youth.
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Title: Lip Service (2004)
Length/Format: 3.5 minutes, Drama, Colour, 16mm
Role(s): Writer/Producer/Director
Synopsis: A lone trumpeter dreams away his days in voluntary
solitude, surrounding himself with a private audience and
his aspirations. The exterior world is displaced by a personal
one devoted to his thoughts and memories.
Title: Breath (2001)
Length/Format: 3.5 minutes, Drama, B&W, 16mm
Role(s): Writer/Producer/Director
Synopsis: Breath captures a moment during a summer's day of play
between two young girls. Curiosity and innocence become a
liability when one child's
fate depends on the other's
response to a dangerous
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